Vanessa Pang

Born in HK, raised in the UK. An Artist in a family of Academics. Vanessa is a Royal Ballet School associate, Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance BA(Hons) and the London Contemporary Dance School alumnus. After graduating her Postgraduate diploma with distinction, Vanessa went onto tour nationally and internationally performing works by renowned choreographers such as Richard Alston, Christopher Bruce, Aletta Collins, Itzik Galili and Ivgi & Greben amongst many others.

In August 2018 Vanessa was Dancing Times, Dancer of the Month and later that year nominated as Emerging Artist at the acclaimed National Dance Awards, Critics Circle. Vanessa was also an external examiner and mentor for the Northern School of Contemporary Dance, and currently an ambassador for the National Youth Ballet and on the Board of Trustees for theatre company ThickSkin.

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